From the Chair (Slipstream September 2013)

From-the-Chair-571x480If anyone is having trouble trying to persuade their mates, colleagues and random motorcyclists in the street to get a bit of coaching and learn about this advanced motorcycling thing, and perhaps even join TVAM, try this; 97% of motorcyclists who passed an IAM test said ‘they enjoyed their riding more’.
Apparently us ladies are less likely to join under our own steam, and need friends and relatives to encourage them – what a fabulous excuse guys! I know that traveling at a maximum of 30 mph in towns can put a few off, but surely it’s got to be worth a try. Those people just might join the ranks of the 61% who agreed ‘advanced riding helped them avoid a specific accident’.

IAM Friendly

Do you own, work for, or know a business that gives IAM members discount or special products? You can get a free business listing at OK, not the easiest of sites to find, but now you know it’s there.

Biking Kit

The key to a successful trip is having a puncture repair kit… and a mate with a foot pump comes in handy. This month, during a trip to Wales with some fellow motorcyclists, I managed to get a puncture. It wasn’t until I dug the offending article out of my tyre that we discovered it was a key! A choice of 4 different kits helped me get back on the ride without much delay. That was the second puncture my other half and I had collected in as many months. So keep those kits replenished.

Look out for a poll from the IAM asking if you think a safety score on motorcycle gear is a good idea.

Safe riding
