From the Chair (Slipstream August 2014)


Hi everyone

Leading a ride?

With the help of Charlie Nelson, we have updated the Run Leaders’ pack available in the website library under the ‘TVAM General’ file. A plea; Please share your runs and have them  published in the Slipstream diary. Social runs are an essential part of what we do, and we would prefer that you proactively volunteer your run  leadership skills so that others can benefit from the runs. To have them listed in Slipstream and in the web calendar email details to

The local teams have had a few opportunities to attend events for marketing purposes.  These are key to allow us to meet other bikers and offer the services and camaraderie of our club. The use of the H Café as a destination for the BikeSafe days has worked well, and the Oxford IAM group have started coming along too. The GNATs have also attended an open weekend at Brian Gray Powerbiking, High Wycombe with some very positive feedback. On Saturday 6th September we have the opportunity to help Blade Motorcycles, Reading, with their main theme of promoting safety and supporting local charities. This is their first open day of this nature and they have invited TVAM to ‘Promote Advanced Riding Skills’. If you want to get involved contact Jim or Rita on

Please look out for further opportunities of attendance at promising events. Pick up a handful of the newly printed business cards at St Crispin’s and hand them out to motorcyclists you meet. Obviously you can still cut out or print off vouchers from Slipstream. An IAM price increase may persuade some people to purchase their membership early – Skills for Life cost will be increasing to £149 on 1st October 2014.

We recently had an interesting challenge from one group of young bikers who wanted coaching on how to ride in a group when they are out with their mates. What other coaching aspects could we consider for our club?

Do we have a meeting of minds between MAG and the IAM?

As many of you know, MAG publish the Network magazine that is diligently shared by Nick Vale. This month MAG has brought to our attention the launch of a new website on Motorcycle Guidelines,, compiled by the Institute of Highways Engineers (IHE). The objective is to raise awareness amongst transportation professionals of the specific safety requirements for motorcyclists. IHE’s Motorcycling Guidelines are a step in that direction. MAG are suggesting that you may use the documents to influence councils etc. over issues such as parking or the use of bus lanes. Of particular interest to note is that the update of these documents was supported by the IAM.

Charon Willis