It’s been a busy year so far with many training opportunities within the Club for all badge members. As I am sat here writing, I am glancing at MyRouteApp (other mapping software is available) where I am plotting a route to Llandrindod Wells, via Tintern Abbey, in order to attend the Observer weekend. Fingers crossed for good weather, as we have over 60 people on the weekend and the focus is on riding the outstanding roads in Wales. Hopefully one or two of my colleagues on the weekend will write a piece for next month’s Slipstream.

Yes, Observers train as well. In fact TVAM’s Observer Corps works incredibly hard at maintaining their skills, particularly focusing on increasing their personal riding ability. It’s the hard work and dedication of this particular group that not only makes TVAM a success, but IAM RoadSmart a success as well.

The Observer weekend is the third training weekend to head to Wales so far this year. In May our 7Ws weekend saw a mix of 40+ Associates, Observers and Full Members head off for our Associate training weekend. In June the 3Rs weekend took over 39 riders, a combination of Full members and Observers, on our Full Member training weekend. With the 60+ people we have going away on the Observer weekend, that’s over 140 members on training weekends in the first 3 months of the riding season. I must say a huge thank you to everyone that came along to one of the weekends to enhance their training.

Kevin mentioned in his ‘From the Chair’ piece last month that we had had a successful Be a Better Biker event in May. This was followed up on 22nd June with a second event that saw another 11 motorcyclists introduced to advanced motorcycling through the Be a Better Biker workshop at Theale Fire Station. I’d just like to extend my thanks to the 14 Observers who gave up their time to work with the candidates, over the two events, and give them a great experience of advanced riding. The feedback for both days has been fantastic and we have seen around 50% of the attendees come to TVAM and join in order to further develop their skills.

Additionally in June I had the pleasure of joining the RAMS group for their annual Training Run (T-Run). Each TVAM social team is asked to put together an annual T-Run for the benefit of Associates and Full Members. The RAMS do a ‘starburst’ for their two coaching runs which is followed by a social ride in the afternoon where riders can practice the skills that they have discussed in the morning. My first session involved riding with two Full Members, from Calcot to Andover. I have to say that the two riders (John and Jim) really embraced the morning session, and we were able to have an open three-way conversation about how all three of us rode. We stopped about halfway and discussed what we had seen and any little changes that we may wish to consider before swapping around for the second half of the ride. We were clearly having fun because we arrived at the Andover meeting point a little later than everyone else. Ben Graham skilfully swapped us all around and I was then paired up with an Associate for the next leg to a meeting point in Salisbury. My appointed Associate (Ernest) did a fabulous job. His general riding was lovely and smooth and his positioning was textbook. As we came through the middle of Salisbury, there was clearly plenty of filtering opportunity and when we stopped at the meeting point for lunch we had a really good conversation about when we may choose to filter and when we perhaps shouldn’t. I had to get away before the afternoon social ride, however, I understand that there was some excellent riding demonstrated by all participants. Well done RAMS and particularly Ben Graham for organising.

To All Associates and Full Members, keep an eye out in Slipstream and the calendar for other T-Runs and ask your own team when they plan to hold theirs and take part.

I’ve mentioned Slipstream a couple of times during this piece and the sharp-eyed among you will have seen the new Slipstream banner and desk at St. Crispin’s. Slipstream is our great magazine and the content is really best when it comes from our members. If you have been on a great course or trip or have something to say about motorcycling generally, then please speak to Salli Griffith or Jon Handley and they will help you with putting something together for the magazine.

Right, I’m off to pack and say a little prayer to the weather gods for this weekend in Wales.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.

Barrie Smith
TVAM Chief Observer