I’ve survived a couple of months in the new role! I’ve been impressed: joining a skilled and committed group of people has made it a lot easier to get up to speed. I’m confident we can work together to get things done.
I’m going to use this spot to bring you up-to-date on a couple of things that have been going on, and to introduce some things I feel strongly about.
I tend to use my bike all through the winter, except when there is a risk of ice. However, I don’t use it as much as I do in the warm weather. Now spring has come I wonder if my own riding skills are the same as they were last autumn. I’ll be seeking training opportunities amongst the many options available through the Club, and I encourage others to do the same. Don’t assume your skills remain at the same level. As I write, there are places left for Castle Combe on 21st May, maybe see you there?
Be A Better Biker are one-day motorcycling workshops, aimed at people who have not done any advanced training. We hope to introduce concepts that will improve their competence and safety, and perhaps act as a feeder into the IAM RoadSmart course. It has grown from an idea introduced by TVAM and Buckinghamshire Council into a series of 12 events supported by Buckinghamshire and Berkshire Councils, as well as Buckinghamshire and Berkshire Fire and Rescue Services and four IAM groups including TVAM. This year TVAM are delivering three events in Berkshire: 4th May (Crowthorne), 25th May (Theale) and 22nd June (Theale). ‘How can I help?’ I hear you ask. We will need approximately six Observers for each event (and thank you to those who’ve already offered), but the main help we need is promotion. There are events listed on the TVAM public Facebook page, which could be shared with local bike clubs, and by the time this goes out there should be fliers available for bike shops.
I promised a follow-up on TVAM’s response to the recent price rise for IAM RoadSmart Course. Our “balanced and appropriate response” became a letter from
me on behalf of the TVAM committee. The most important of the points I made was to ask why the jump in price was so large (23%), and why we, and other groups, had no communication beforehand. My letter was escalated internally, and I received a response the same day from Nicholas Lyes, IAM RoadSmart Policy and Standards Director. He explained that the price rises had been long-overdue and were necessary to bring some courses back to a break-even status. He fully accepted our points about communication, and explained how they would make improvements going forward. In my view, our ability to make an appropriate complaint, and theirs to handle it as they did, will only help to improve how we can work together going forward.
It is important to me, that we, as a club and training organisation, are open and welcoming to all. I believe we do a pretty good job overall, but I wonder if the
demographics of club membership properly represent the same in the motorcycle community. I struggle to get my head around why race, gender, age or anything else affects the ability to ride a motorcycle, but sometimes it’s the seemingly subtle things we do that make a difference. I’m interested in what we may need to do as a Club to make TVAM even more welcoming to everyone.
Finally, a shout-out to the marshals organising the parking, and everyone else in the Green Team at St. Crispin’s. It will be a similar arrangement in April, so please do follow guidance on where to park, and avoid the coned-off areas when departing. We will again be marshaling people on arrival into correct parking areas, and on leaving please ensure you use the exit nearest the road and not through the coned-off areas. It is much appreciated how well everyone has supported the changes and helped St. Crispin’s to run smoothly. Of course, we need this support to continue for a while yet.
Take care out there!
Kevin Dunwell
TVAM Chair