Well, we announced the return of the Look Lean Roll course at our new venue at RAF Benson, and within hours both September and October dates were oversubscribed. Our apologies to all those that wanted to get on this fantastic course and didn’t make it. We’ve only been able to arrange the two dates this year for the course, but the good news is that we expect to run a full complement next year from the Spring. Keep an eye out for announcements and dates – as you can tell, it is very popular.
There is a myriad of courses available to TVAM members, and these courses have been developed largely in-house to meet the needs of our members. We’re very proud of the range and quality of courses that we offer, which are the envy of many other clubs and groups. There hasn’t, to date, been any formal coordination between the courses and
this has led to some differences in the way they address similar issues. We have,
therefore, asked the Training Team to take a ‘review role’ so that we can be ensure that all of our courses are:
- Accurate in content
- Use similar techniques when addressing similar issues
- Have appropriate disclaimers in place
- Provide adaptable learning environments for the candidates
- Are safe and appropriate for the candidates and the course leaders
Due to the extensive range of courses it’s not going to be a quick project and we anticipate ongoing involvement of the Training Team in all courses, which should be beneficial for all.
We identified a couple of areas over the summer where we can enhance our guidelines for data protection. This highlighted the need for a more general review of where we hold data, why we’re holding it and what we’re using it for, as well as who has access to it. We’ll be embarking on this review as a new committee project and we’ll keep you appraised as to the changes that we’re making to ensure that we keep everyone’s data secure.
We’re getting close to the TVAM year end at the end of October, so you’ll see the usual flurry of activity as we compile reports, and we start to look at the activities, issues and budgets over the past year, as well as put plans and budgets together for next year. If you have any ideas for activities that you’d like to see next year, then please do let us know.
I hope you’re managing to make the most of good weather and lighter evenings, and enjoying your riding; I know I am.
Chris Brownlee
Chief Observer