One of the most rewarding moments of being an Observer is when, at the end of a ride, your Associate pulls off their helmet, there’s a broad grin on their face, probably followed by, “Wow, I had no idea you could do that!” or something similar. It’s known as the light bulb moment’. I had such a moment with a new Associate a couple of weeks ago and I know he’s still smiling as we’ve just done a second run together this morning. An already seasoned rider, joining TVAM has opened a window to a world he just didn’t know existed and I’m enjoying showing him around. If you’d like to become a Club Observer see the Training Team at St Crispin’s and see how much fun you could bring to other members wanting to achieve Advanced Test standard.
Across the Club members are always learning new skills, especially with the summer we’re having. Even crusty old Observers can discover a new way of explaining something that suddenly opens up an aspect of biking for an Associate, or a member discovers a few more degrees of lean at Castle Combe or Thruxton on a track skills day that they’ve never experienced before. It’s what makes our sport challenging but also possibly the best fun you can have in leather. Bring it on.
At the same time many members are off exploring new lands, new roads, mountain passes, cols and cafés. Facebook photos of groups waiting at the ferry or channel tunnel terminals make us all slightly envious – I know – that’s exactly why you posted it! But by the time you read this we’ll have posted our own photos from the David Jacobi Müllenborn trip which I’m impatiently looking forward to. The bike’s got new brake pads, fluid, and rubber, and I’ve even booked the service for when I get back as an oil change will be due within a few hundred miles. I’m packing the top box as I write this….
So here’s another edition of Slipstream. As members we’re probably pretty used to a copy plopping through the letterbox a few days before each St Crispin’s. However it’s only when you speak to some new members do you realise just how good this monthly journal is. Some IAM Groups only get a newsletter every other month, or even quarterly, but each month Salli and her team pull together this little gem, packed with details about what’s going on in the Club, reports of members trips, bike show reports, and riding tips. I’d like on behalf of all of us members to say a big ‘Thank You’ to Salli and everyone else who contributes articles. Please keep them coming…..
Enjoy the summer, keep safe
Andy Slater