On Wednesday evening, over 70 Associates, Full Members, TOb’s, Observers and even a prospective member, crammed into a small meeting room at the Coppid Beech Hotel in Bracknell to hear Shaun Cronin talk about the latest developments occurring at the IAM – now of course ‘IAM RoadSmart’.

Shaun covered the rebranding and why this was necessary, the development of standards, and also new schemes being introduced in the coming months. One of these may mean that Associates could gain full membership via a modular style of learning rather than a single test ride at the end of their training. Groups such as TVAM could elect to administer such a scheme which sparked some discussion on standards, impartiality, etc. This will be discussed further at the Observer Day next month.

There was also a discussion on the Masters and how this sets a highest civilian riding standard against which any Full Member could test themselves – Observer or not.
